From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Macro shots using an extension tube

Macro shots using an extension tube

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Macro shots using an extension tube

- I don't have a tendency to shoot very much in the way of macro or close-up photography. And so when I'm wandering around, exploring the city I usually don't have a macro lens with me. And sometimes, that presents a challenge when I find something that I'd like to focus relatively close on such as this mosaic. There's a lot of really interesting tiles here, interesting juxtapositions of colors and shapes and I'd like to take a picture. But with this lens, I can only focus about that close to the subject here, to the mosaic. I'm not able to get as close in as I'd like. Even focusing as close as possible. This lens even calls out that it focuses at a macro distance but I'm still not able to get as close as I'd like. And I don't have a macro lens but I do have another cool little device that will make it easy for me to focus closer and that is an extension tube. It is one of the simplest things in photography I would say, it's literally just a tube. An empty tube, no glass in it at all.…
