From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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GPS battery drain

GPS battery drain

- I absolutely love having a built-in GPS receiver in my camera, because it means that when it's enabled when I'm capturing photos, the location information is being added to those photos automatically. So, for example, when I bring the images into my Lightroom catalog, I can see where I captured each photo right on the map within Lightroom. But there can be some problems associated with GPS, specifically related to battery consumption. I have found that if I leave the GPS receiver enabled in my camera, even with the camera turned off and put away in my camera bag, after a few days the battery is completely dead. So, when you don't need GPS or when you're not using your camera, you might want to disable that GPS receiver. You'll generally have an option to completely disable the option altogether so that the GPS receiver is turned off and therefore you're not consuming battery when you don't need your location information, such as when your camera is put away. But when you do want to…
