From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Extending camera battery life

Extending camera battery life

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Extending camera battery life

- Sometimes you might find yourself getting so wrapped up in your photography, that you don't notice that the battery level is getting a little bit low. You might even find yourself surprised that suddenly your camera turns itself off because the battery is dead. Obviously, keeping an eye on the battery level, replacing the battery with a spare can help avoid that type of situation. But I think it's also worthwhile to consider some of the things that you can do photographically to help extend that battery life. One of the key things that will drain the battery on your digital camera is the LCD display on the back of the camera. So, to the extent possible, you want to minimize the amount of time you're spending reviewing your photos on the back of the camera. And that can even include the automatic review, you might reduce the number of seconds that an image appears on the screen after you've captured a photo, or you…
