From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Built-in digital level

Built-in digital level

- Whenever I think about having a straight horizon, a perfectly level photo, I usually think about landscape photography. Except with landscape photography, I usually find that it's relatively easy to get the shot nice and level. In other scenarios, such as here, trying to photograph a street scene in New York City, I find it to be a little bit more challenging. I've got lots of lines to reference here and because of perspective, many of them are sort of at different angles and that makes it a little bit tricky to figure out when is my camera perfectly level. Fortunately, many cameras have an option available to make that very, very easy to get your shot level. First off, we often have the ability to display a level right on the back of the camera, and so I can see when the camera is level versus not level. I get a line going across, kind of a virtual horizon, and looks green when it is perfectly level. In addition, in some cases, you actually have that leveling ability right inside…
