From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Built-in "cable" release

Built-in "cable" release

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Built-in "cable" release

- When you got your shot setup for a relatively long exposure, you'll certainly want to use a tripod. But beyond that you might be interested in using a cable release to help make sure that you're not moving that camera at all. Here, for example, it's an overcast day, there's not a lot of light. I've wanted to set the minimum ISO of 100, I have stop down to F22 to get lots of depth of field, and that gives me a shutter speed of about a half a second. And my concern is that when I go to actually press the shutter release button, I might knock the camera just a little bit, so that there's a bit of movement during the exposure. And so a cable release enables me to trigger that exposure without actually touching the camera. The problem is I don't have a cable release. I didn't bring one with me, but I don't need to worry about it. There's essentially a built-in cable release right in the camera by virtue of my timer mode. So I can switch my time mode into a timer mode. So in this case I…
