From the course: Occupational Safety and Health: Hazard Communication

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Communication programs in the workplace

Communication programs in the workplace

- As the name HAZCOM, or hazard communications implies, the purpose here is to communicate hazards to everyone in the workplace. The program is not meant to be assembled and maintained in secrecy. The intent is to clearly communicate to everyone in the workplace, so they understand what hazardous products they're using or what is being used around them. Again, much of this communication can be done as a part of the training that I discussed earlier. Be inclusive in this communication though. In a building where hazardous chemicals are being used, there are times where it's important to communicate the hazards to people like office workers, even if they don't work with the products. They need to understand what's going on around them, and why, for example, they're prohibited from entering certain areas. Information in a company's HAZCOM program should be readily available to everyone in the company anytime they want to review…
