From the course: Microsoft Viva Essential Training
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Viva Learning: Schedule training on your calendar - Microsoft Viva Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft Viva Essential Training
Viva Learning: Schedule training on your calendar
- [Instructor] Viva Learning has options to schedule time on your calendar for the training courses you need to complete. Just be aware, this feature is not available for all users. You will not see this option unless your administrator has paid for and set up the full Viva Learning add-on. I'm in the Viva learning tool in Microsoft Teams, and I'm going to search for a topic that I need to learn about. And on the right side of each item in the search results, you'll see a button with three dots. You can click that to open this menu, and there's an option here to add it to your calendar. Or you can click on a course in the search results or from your bookmarks, which will take you to the course information page, and the button to add it to the calendar is here as well. So I'm going to click that, and from here, you just need to set the date and time. And by default, this is set to the next open time slot on my calendar that…
Introduction to the growth category1m 15s
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Viva Learning: Schedule training on your calendar2m 37s
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