From the course: Microsoft Viva Essential Training

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Track and close OKRs

Track and close OKRs

- [Instructor] Your progress through your OKRs will be recorded and measured through a series of check-ins. You should work with your manager to decide on a schedule for your check-ins. Maybe you do this every week or every month. To start, you should click the arrow next to an objective so you can see all of the key results needed to complete that objective. I made this objective in another video, but since then I added another key result to it, so we have a few to work with. When you do your check-in, you will start with the key results. So point at a key result, and you'll see the check-in button will appear, and you should click on that to start the check-in. We'll need to look at the metric that has been established to measure the progress on this key result. So my target is to add 250 new client leads. Since I've never checked in on this key result yet, the status is set to Not Started. So I'll start by putting a…
