From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Use the T-SQL editor

Use the T-SQL editor

- [Teacher] Management Studio's Code Editor has some features that will make writing commands in the TSQL language a little bit easier. In the Object Explorer window, we can quickly review the code that would be required to recreate some of our existing objects by using the right click menu. Find the DBO dot orders table in the Red30Tech database, right click on it, then choose script table as, create to new query editor window. That prompts me to reconnect to my database engine, I'll just say connect there, and it opens up the code in a new text editor window. This shows me exactly what it would take to recreate this exact table on our system. So let's read through the text, starting at the top. Here we have the use command and it says Use Red30Tech. This will make sure that the script executes in the proper database. On line number two, we have Go. The Go Command is used by SQL Server to execute all of the code above…
