From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Use built-in functions

Use built-in functions

- [Instructor] All of the functions that SQL Server ships with can be found inside of your database. For instance, let's take a look in the Red30Tech database and first all collapse the tables folder. Then come down to programmability. Inside of there, you'll find a functions folder there, and then we can expand these system functions. This reveals a number of different categories. If you've ever used Excel, these are comparable to the formula books that organize all of the functions in that program. Expanding each of these folders, for instance, the aggregate functions will show you all the different functions that are available within SQL Server. When you hover your mouse over a function, for instance, I'll hover over the count function, it gives you a brief description about what it does. And if you expand each of these functions, and then expand the parameters folder, you'll see a list of what you need to supply for the…
