From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Create a differential backup

Create a differential backup

- [Instructor] Differential backups only include the changes that have been made to the database since the last full backup was made. This makes them much smaller and faster to complete. Now we just made a full backup of the Red 30 Tech database, and I'm now going to run this script to insert a few more records into our customer's table. If I scroll all the way down to the bottom of the results that show up here, you'll see those new customers have been added down here to the bottom of the table. So now the backup that was just made a moment ago, is no longer up to date, if we were to delete this database and restore from the backup, it would not include these new customers, and we'd experience some data loss. So rather than make another full backup, we can create a backup that only includes the change that we just made to the database. If and when we need to restore the database, we would first restore the full backup then…
