From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

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Ignore resource schedules on a task

Ignore resource schedules on a task

From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

Ignore resource schedules on a task

- [Bonnie] Hi, I'm Bonnie Biafore. By default, Project takes resource schedules into account when calculating a task's dates and duration. But what if you want the task to run according to a particular work calendar, regardless of resources' schedules? We're going to start by going to the task usage view. On the task tab, I'm going to click the bottom half of the Gantt chart button and choose task usage. Here we have a sample task in this project, and there are three resources assigned. If I drag the vertical divider over to the left so I can see the timephased grid, you can see when the resources work, and it depends on their work schedules. Admin one works full-time the first week, so they finish on Friday. Admin two only works Monday through Wednesday, so they work some of the hours the first week and then have to wait until the following week to finish. The network admin, it turns out, this person has a vacation that…
