From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

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Format duration, part 2: Add minutes to display

Format duration, part 2: Add minutes to display

From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

Format duration, part 2: Add minutes to display

- [Instructor] Hi, I'm Bonnie Beaufort. With short time-critical tasks, duration in hours and minutes is easier to read than decimal numbers. Today, we're going to modify the formula for our custom text field for duration to include minutes. The first thing I'm going to do is right click the heading for my custom text field, the one labeled HH:MM. Going to right click, and on the shortcut menu, choose custom fields. That takes me right to the field, and it already selects it. So I can go down and click the formula button. So we see that the formula so far is for the whole hours from the duration. What we're going to do is click at the end of the formula, and we're going to append things. 'Cause remember, this is a text field. So I'm going to click the ampersand sign, which is to append. Now, the next thing we have to add is the colon. So I'm going to type double quotes, colon, double quotes, and then insert another…
