From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

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Display tasks that should have status

Display tasks that should have status

From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

Display tasks that should have status

- [Bonnie] Hi, I'm Bonnie Biafore. In this week's tip, we'll look at how to see the tasks in which work should've occurred during a specific timeframe. For instance, during the current status period. So we want to see tasks that should have progress to report. I'm going to start by setting the status date. On the project tab, go to the status section near the right side of the ribbon and then click the calendar icon. In the status date dialog box, I'm going to click the down arrow to display the calendar and I want to go to April so I'm going to click the right arrow and then choose Friday, April 10th as the status date. Go ahead and click okay. Now we're going to filter the list and we're going to start with tasks that hae a start date before the status date because those are the ones that might have status to report. I'm going to click the down arrow in the start column heading, point to filters and in the drop down list, choose before status date. But we also have to filter the…
