From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

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Calculate separate critical paths for several projects

Calculate separate critical paths for several projects

From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

Calculate separate critical paths for several projects

- [Bonnie] Hi, Bonnie Biafore here. In this Project tip I'll show you how to tell Project to calculate a separate critical path for every project in a master project. Perfect for independent projects that share the same resources. If you have Project files, and they use a resource pool the easiest way to do this is to open the pool. So let's go ahead, and do that. I'm in Project, and I'm gonna click Open Other Projects, then click Browse. In my Exercise Files folder I'm gonna go to the resource pool that I have for these sharer files. I'm gonna click it, and then click Open. That opens up the Open Resource Pool dialog box. Third option is the one that you want. What this does is it opens the resource pool, and all the sharer files that share the same resources into a new master project file. So go ahead, and click OK. To see our master project file I can go down to the taskbar, click the Project icon, and then choose my new file which is, in this case, called Project1. When I look at…
