From the course: Microsoft Project Online: Administration

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Using force check-in of enterprise objects

Using force check-in of enterprise objects

From the course: Microsoft Project Online: Administration

Using force check-in of enterprise objects

- [Off Screen Narrator] As Admins, we typically might get calls from Project managers, that have forgotten to check in their projects, or users that just walked away from the machine or lost a network connection. There are two options in this particular state where you can view that information so I'm going to go force check in Enterprise objects. On the force check in page that loads, I'll be able to see, not only the project, but whether their are any other items. In this case here I have this software development project that John has spent checked out. I can also look at Enterprise resources. Custom fields, calendars, or look up tables. If I select to check in that project by clicking on the check box next to that and selecting check in. It will, in fact, force check in that project. However, any edits that John has been making at this particular time will be lost. So, its very essential to understand that this is going to lose those edits permanently. Now, another option is that…
