From the course: Microsoft Project Online: Administration

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Task settings and display

Task settings and display

- [Instructor] If you're using your Project online system for managing project information as well as time sheet information, then you'll want to review their task settings and display options. In here, we can review what task updates go back to the project manager and into those approval options for that manager. So here we have hours done per period. As you can see here, these items are locked out. We cannot change them. Since our time sheet is sent to single-entry mode, these become unavailable. If you do want to change these, you can go back to the gear and select PWA Settings, Timesheet Settings and Defaults, and remove your single entry mode checkbox and press Save. Once you do that, then those task settings and display options become available for you to modify. So if you wanted percent complete, which is the default option, you could leave that unsynced, meaning I could put in a 5%, 20%, whatever it is, or 50%, progress on a given task. Actual work done and remaining work…
