From the course: Microsoft Project Online: Administration

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Setting project permission modes

Setting project permission modes

- [Instructor] As a Project Online administrator, you'll have to administer PWA sites. In our case, we've built out a PWA training site. We can check the checkbox next to that site, and we'll select Project Web App, Settings. As the site collection shows up, it shows up in SharePoint permission mode. That's the default setting. I want to understand those permission modes before I go any farther, so I'm going to bring you over to an article that's on the TechNet site about permission and modes in Project Online. Here it describes the SharePoint permission mode, as well as the Project permission mode. You can get additional information by clicking on the Plan SharePoint Groups on the left navigation, and that will bring up this tab. Here it will show a list of all of the groups that apply in the SharePoint mode. Now these are going to look very similar to Project Online. In the Project permission mode, we have views and other items that are much more detailed including the RBS. So…
