From the course: Microsoft Project Online: Administration

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Managing views

Managing views

- [Instructor] In Project Online, we manage the views that users will be able to use as they access they system. To do that we're going to select the gear and PWA settings. And go to a section called look and feel where we'll find manage views. The views are broken up into different groupings. Project level views which are the details that will be similar to a Gantt chart or a schedule, right? So they will have all of the assignment information, resource information and task level type views. You can also have the project center views which are the top line, line zero of the project file. In our case, maybe a project summary of our value view. I can look at resource assignment views, resource center views where it will be specific to the resources that will be used on projects, my work where I can look at my task assignments, team tasks where I can look at team assignments, the team builder where I can now look at various types of columns to see how to build a team when I add a…
