From the course: Microsoft Project Online: Administration

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Managing timesheets, part 2

Managing timesheets, part 2

- [Instructor] This time we're going to set up the timesheet managers that will manage those approvals. So we'll click into the manger section. To approve timesheets, I need to actually add a manager that will be able to manage those timesheets for whomever those end users are that submit them. If you don't have fixed approval enabled, users will be able to select from the managers that you add on this page. So we're going to add a new manager by clicking the Add Manager button. And we'll add in Jan Kotas. And select OK. That will add Jan as a manger to approve timesheets that he is listed as a timesheet manager for. Once we've completed that, we can press Close. By creating timesheet managers, you are allowing those managers to receive the timesheets from the various users that are associated with those managers. Now that we've created timesheet managers, we would have to create the timesheets that they would use to manage. So we're going to click on Manage Timesheets. In here we can…
