From the course: Microsoft Project Online: Administration

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Managing timesheets, part 1

Managing timesheets, part 1

- [Instructor] We've created a lot of timesheet settings for our project online environment. We want to start to be able to see some of those timesheet settings, so we're going to edit the links in the navigation to make the timesheet available here. So I'm going to click on Edit Links. And in this screen of modifying the Quick Launch, there is a number of options. The timesheets and so forth for each of the various Quick Launch options. We want to turn on that timesheet, so we are going to click on it, and select the checkbox here for displaying that Quick Launch. And we'll press Save and Close. This will bring us back to the PWA Settings page and we can see now that our timesheet link is added to the navigation. I'd like to go and see what a timesheet looks like for an end-user, so I'm going to click on the timesheet option. When I go there, there is no timesheet here. As you can see, you may run into this if the time period has not been created in the time period that you are in…
