From the course: Microsoft Project Online: Administration

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Define fiscal periods

Define fiscal periods

- [Instructor] Some organizations use fiscal time periods to align with their accounting or financial systems. We'll create a fiscal time period collection for this organization that starts in March 2019. To do that we'll go to the Fiscal Periods in the Time and Management section. We'll change this from 2018 - Undefined to 2019 since that's what we're looking to define. We'll select the define option. We'll set up our time periods and the period that it actually starts. So in our case we want to have March. So we can either click on the calendar and scroll forward to March and select the 31st. Or you can type in the information, if you want. In our case, we're going to change the Fiscal Year Creation Model from a 4,5,4 to a 5,4,4 method. Meaning five weeks, four weeks, and four weeks for this particular organization. We'll set up the prefix naming convention as FY with a dash and our period to start this on March will be the first sequence number and we'll put in a dash with the two…
