From the course: Microsoft Project Online: Administration

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Analyzing the queue

Analyzing the queue

- [Narrator] Sometimes, as admins, we need to review what's been processed by a queue on Project Online. The queue processes items as they either get published, saved, whatever the state might be, into the Project Online environment. To get there, we're going to go to the gear and select PWA settings, and we'll go to manage queue jobs. In the queue job area, you'll see what's currently being processed. As you can see, there are three items here that were being queued. You can also look by different statuses: by filter, by status, by job, by project, ID, active or blocking. These blocks jobs will prevent other items from going through the queue. You can also look at a history in a given date range. Maybe you were interested in a specific day in the queue and whether something was successful or not. So we'll select, we'll change the date range to 12/4, and we'll change the type of job to look for successful jobs, alright? So we have numerous options here to pick from. The various jobs…
