From the course: Microsoft Project 2019 Essential Training

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Create a calendar for work days and times

Create a calendar for work days and times

From the course: Microsoft Project 2019 Essential Training

Create a calendar for work days and times

- [Tutor] Calendars in Project define the days and times that people work. A project calendar defines the working and non-working time for your entire project. You can also create additional calendars to define other work schedules, like shifts that resources work. To show you how calendars work, I'm going to create a blank project. So on the home page I'm going to click the box for blank project. Now, the first thing I'm going to do is go to the project tab. I'm going to click project information and I'm going to change the start date for this project to January 6th, 2020. When you want to change the working times for a calendar on the project tab, click change working time. That opens up the change working time dialog box. Now you'll see that in the for calendar box, it says standard. And then in parenthesis project calendar. So this project by default is using the built-in standard calendar. But we're going to…
