From the course: Microsoft Data: SharePoint, Power Platform, Access, Excel
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From the course: Microsoft Data: SharePoint, Power Platform, Access, Excel
Where to go from here
- [Phil] In this course, I've tried to give you some foundations into the best way to use the various tools available to you in Office and O 365 to capture, organize, and analyze your data. We looked at Excel, Access, and SharePoint, and I gave you a short introduction to the Dataverse. I talked about a few important considerations you should take into account when deciding which tool to use for what job, and we spent a bit of time on various ways to capture and store information. I then took us on a closer look at the key elements of the way the different tools handled data in tables and how they use that information to create charts and graphs. We had a bit of time with some key add on tools, Power Pivot, Power BI, and SharePoint Syntex, and I shared some of the things that I consider to be best practices overall when working with the Microsoft set of tools. Now, I think I gave you valuable information about comparing…
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