From the course: Microsoft Data: SharePoint, Power Platform, Access, Excel

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Know your purpose

Know your purpose

- [Instructor] When it comes time to decide which tool to use to capture and work with information, I think there are three major factors to take into consideration, the purpose, the audience, and the scope. Let's take these one at a time, starting with the purpose. When you're deciding which tool to use for capturing information, you need to take a little time to think about what that information is going to be used for. For instance, let's say you want to capture a record of sales. Well, you want the date and the amount, right? And do you want to track inventory? Well, then you need a field of item and probably quantity. Does that item come in different sizes or colors? If yes, do you want to track those? And what about the customer name or the address? Well, let's add those to the mix. Now I can capture this information pretty much anywhere in Microsoft Office or O365. As it stands right now, I could probably…
