From the course: Microsoft Data: SharePoint, Power Platform, Access, Excel

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Know your audience

- [Instructor] When you're introducing a new tool into a business, it's very important to spend some time thinking about who exactly is going to be using it? And how? First of all, is this tool something that they've seen, and work with before? If you could come up with a solution in a tool that your users are familiar with, or at least not actively opposed to, and give them solid examples of how the transition will benefit them, your job will be made much, much simpler. Most people are familiar with Excel, but inputting information into a big worksheet with lots of rows and columns can get confusing. You can kind of lose place where you are, even if you have frozen your column headers so that things there. If you scroll across, it can still be a little difficult to see sometimes. And unless you protect cells, it's very easy for people to mess up formulas, and cause all kinds of interesting errors. You…
