From the course: Microsoft Bookings Essential Training
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Modify staff availability
From the course: Microsoft Bookings Essential Training
Modify staff availability
- [Instructor] If there are times during the day when staff members do not want to be booked for appointments, say lunch hour, for example, they can go into their own calendars and book that time off, but if staff members forget to do so, they could inadvertently get booked for appointments when they don't plan on being in the office. So we're going to explore another option and that is to set up that time away from here inside Bookings. We do that by going over to Staff, here on the left-hand side in the navigation pane. I'm going to use David Rivers here, who is a registered massage therapist. And by clicking that name, we go right into editing the details. Notice the status is Bookable. There are the work hours that we set up in an earlier lesson. Well, you'll notice that every one of these days of the week goes from early morning to afternoon. There's no break in between. To do that, we simply use the plus sign…
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Create and manage your staff list5m 39s
Schedule time off4m 26s
Share a link to your bookings page3m 37s
Schedule a new booking for a customer4m 47s
Modify staff availability1m 55s
Manage your customer list3m 29s
Create a group booking6m 13s
Re-assign staff to a booking2m 53s
Print a detailed agenda2m 24s