From the course: Microsoft Bookings Essential Training
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Manage your customer list
From the course: Microsoft Bookings Essential Training
Manage your customer list
- [Instructor] Not only is Bookings good for managing appointments and staff who are assigned to those appointments, it's also good at managing your customers. When you provide a link to your customers and they start using it to book appointments and staff if you let them, they automatically go to your customer list. When you go in to the calendar and book an appointment for a new or existing customer, they too are added to your customers list and we can manage them by going here to the left-hand side in the navigation pane and clicking customers. Let's do that. Now if you were following along earlier, we added a new appointment for a new customer named Sue Allen. We added some of her details and she automatically got added to our customers list, that's why we see her here. We can select her to view, over here on the right-hand side, contact information, all we did was add the email. If we added notes, we could see…
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Create and manage your staff list5m 39s
Schedule time off4m 26s
Share a link to your bookings page3m 37s
Schedule a new booking for a customer4m 47s
Modify staff availability1m 55s
Manage your customer list3m 29s
Create a group booking6m 13s
Re-assign staff to a booking2m 53s
Print a detailed agenda2m 24s