From the course: Meeting the Needs of Employees and Driving Business Results

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The visibility practice model

The visibility practice model

- Visibility is a fundamental employee need. Knowing how to achieve it on behalf of others, especially those who are different from us, isn't something we're taught how to do. We have to learn and we also have to practice. This is why we developed Practice Models grounded in research and enhanced by real world application for each of the four talent needs. We know that wanting to do something and even understanding why it matters doesn't get it done. There are specific manager actions and employee considerations that, in combination, help us see, respect, value, and protect all people more effectively. Let's dive into the first of the four models in this course. The Visibility Practice Model supports managers, that's you, as you strive to make every employee feel seen, as in welcomed, acknowledged, represented, and counted. There are four sequential steps to each model. While they're much more robust than what we have time to cover here, I'll share enough to help you identify the high…
