From the course: Meeting the Needs of Employees and Driving Business Results
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Helping all employees succeed
From the course: Meeting the Needs of Employees and Driving Business Results
Helping all employees succeed
- We unlock contribution and help all people thrive when we make sure they feel seen, respected, valued, and protected. As a leader, you encounter both minor and major opportunities to elevate others and remove barriers to performance and potential. Your choices and behaviors send signals every day, in the people you see or don't, how you show respect, or fail to do so. The ways you value or overlook people, whether you create safe spaces for them to learn and lead or allow toxicity to take root. Even among all the process transformations, strategic priorities, and other bingo card worthy corporate slang, when you prioritize leading all people well by meeting their fundamental needs to be seen, respected, valued, and protected, you'll change your workplace and the way every person experiences it. When employees feel they work for an equitable and inclusive company and can contribute fully, freely, and fairly, they'll be more likely to stay and give their best effort. Isn't that why…
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