From the course: Managing Your Professional Network

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Building your network tracker

Building your network tracker

- The biggest mistake I see people make when networking is that they hit it off with someone they meet and then they don't actively stay in touch. Before you know it, it's been a year since you last spoke to the person. Losing touch with people is easy to do because we all have a lot going on in our lives. Now you might be wondering, why is it so important to stay in touch? Well, imagine someone you met two years ago who you haven't kept in touch with, reaches out to you, asking for a job one day. You'd probably feel like they're using you since they're only contacting you when they need something. In order to effectively build your network, you have to actively stay in touch. To avoid a situation like this, connect with the people in your network at least three times per year. This regular communication, whether it's via phone, email or over lunch, allows you stay up-to-date on the other person's life so you can have a…
