From the course: Managing a Design System with Sketch
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Design system documentation - Sketch Tutorial
From the course: Managing a Design System with Sketch
Design system documentation
- [Narrator] Just as designers develop their own values and design, they develop their own process. In order for teams and team members to work well together, their must be a shared understanding of how user experience decisions are made. By including the way you design in your design system, you'll be able to benefit from scalability. Designs should include examples or explanations of functionality. There are many ways to provide elements with specifications that serve as documentation. In general, give the users of your design system an idea of what the component should look like, along with the functionality in the same place. The end goal is a full-fledged website with the components, code, documentation, dos and don'ts, all wrapped into one with easy accesibility. Let's take a look at an example of that end goal. Shopify does a really good job of this end goal with their website, Polaris. This is an example of one of their banner components. As you can see, they have an example…
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