From the course: Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Clustering and Association
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Summarizing cluster means in a table
From the course: Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Clustering and Association
Summarizing cluster means in a table
- [Instructor] It's important to remember that your colleagues, and especially your management, are not going to be as interested in the technical intricacies of the cluster analysis and all of the mathematical formulas as you are. So when you go to report and visualize these clusters, you want to do so in a way that's very friendly to what they need to get out of the cluster analysis. Let's demonstrate this and to do so we're going to use a data set that has additional variables that have been merged in with it. Not just what the customers spent on, but things about the customers, their gender, their income, and so on. It's called Ready For Cluster With Categorical Variables. And we're going to be opening this in SPSS Statistics. Okay, here we are in the data set and let me make what perhaps at first will seem like an obvious point. We standardize the variables and created ratios for reasons that we've discussed, so that variables with big dollar amounts, like the big screen TVs…
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