From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep
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Compiling a kernel - Linux Tutorial
From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep
Compiling a kernel
- So, do you want to see how 28 million lines of code are turned into a Linux kernel? Join us. - [Speaker] You are watching ITPro TV. (upbeat music) (graphics whoosh) - Hello. Welcome back to LPIC-2. I am Zach. This is Don. And I'm kind of excited about this because in this episode, we're going to take 28 million lines of code. (chuckling) - It's, it's all. - Or something like that. - Yep, in this episode, we are going to be learning about compiling the Linux kernel. You know, many of you have heard the Linux is open source. You can download the source code, build it yourself. That's what we're going to do. We're going to start off talking about why we want to do that in the first place 'cause it's a little bit crazy. And then we'll see some of the prerequisites and other things that we need in place to be able to actually compile it. And then we'll do it, we'll compile the kernel and get a chance to see how to install the custom kernel onto our system and get it up and running. -…
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