From the course: Linux: System Maintenance
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Interrupt and explore the GRUB boot loader - Linux Tutorial
From the course: Linux: System Maintenance
Interrupt and explore the GRUB boot loader
- [Instructor] Every time the system boots up, the process is started by a software called the bootloader. You're likely to come across two bootloaders called LILO and GRUB. LILO is a very basic bootloader with no real options to configure. GRUB, on the other hand, has a large number of options and we'll take a look at some of them here. GRUB stands for Linux's GRand Unified Bootloader and it's very common across many distros. I'll restart the system and when it comes back up, we'll pause for a moment at the bootloader. I'll cancel the countdown by using the arrow keys to change the selection. The boot selector screen shows us options for starting up our system. If you have another OS on your system, you may have an entry for it here. And as you upgrade the kernel, you'll notice changes and options as well. Your boot selector might be different if you're on a newer kernel or a different distro. I've got a kernel 3.10.0-514.2.2 and here's a previous one 327. At the bottom is the rescue…
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Reboot and shut down the system3m 5s
Interrupt and explore the GRUB boot loader6m 37s
Gain root access3m 52s
Exploring recovery options2m 35s
Manage system startup services3m 35s
Upgrading software3m 41s
Freeing disk space6m 55s
Adding a disk3m 56s
Automatically mount a disk4m 17s