From the course: Linux: System Information and Directory Structure Tools

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Get help on the CLI

Get help on the CLI

- [Instructor] The command line is a powerful interface to your Linux operating system. Often there are no graphical tools to do a job, not because Linux is primitive, but rather those jobs are just quicker and more efficient on the command line. Knowing how to get information about commands in Linux is paramount to getting the most out of it. You can use the methods in this video to gather information about any command I use in this course or any other courses. Let's start by using the --help option built into most commands. Open a terminal and then get the help information for the grep command. The grep command is a very useful tool for searching through text and is perhaps my favorite command. Type in grep, space, --help, and hit enter. The --help information is built into almost all Linux commands, so you can usually count on it being there. If the output is too long, use the scroll bars on the terminal window or…
