From the course: Learning VoIP and Unified Communications
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Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
From the course: Learning VoIP and Unified Communications
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
- [Instructor] If we take a look at this graphic, which depicts a complex network, I'm going to focus on the LAN, and we're going to look at the call agent or media gateway controller, communicating with the other call agent using SIP, or Session Initiation Protocol. Session Initiation Protocol is an application layer protocol for signaling and control that establishes, maintains and terminates sessions between parties over the internet, private networks and cellular systems. SIP manages session negotiation, user location and termination. Sessions may involve one or more media streams, such as voice and video, and includes video conferencing, instant messaging, gaming, and sharing multimedia. To clarify when using VoIP, our session involves an audio stream. Now, as you can see, that's one single stream. However, when using video conferencing, we have voice and video, and each stream must get to the participant and a…