From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Reviewing your notes and re-reading

Reviewing your notes and re-reading

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Reviewing your notes and re-reading

- Once you have your study plan set it's time to start reviewing your notes and reading any chapters that might be covered on the test. This lesson will assume that you're preparing for an exam that covers multiple chapters. This could be something like a midterm or final exam. So we're assuming you've already read the chapters that will be covered on this test, but you need to review your notes, and possibly, maybe even re-read parts or entire chapters. Start by doing a broad overview of your notes. This is where having a mind map of each chapter would be very helpful, because mind maps give you a bird's eye view of the information. If your notes are very detailed, just read the main points to cover the major concepts. Your goal at this point is to determine your strong and weak points. What do you know well? What requires extra study? Take note of these things, so you can prioritize your study. One way to do this is to divide a sheet of paper into three columns. One column would be…
