From the course: Learning Screenwriting with Final Draft 12

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- [Instructor] When you're in the writing zone, you probably aren't worrying about keeping your stacks of paper neat. But art without structure can be a mess. It's up to your so-called left brain to organize the art your right brain creates. And for that, you need a system. What system of file organization you use almost doesn't matter, as long as you do two things, keep it consistent and keep it going. One way to increase the chances of both, keep it simple. Determine a file naming system that works for you. Start by picking a name for your script that you'll use in your files. Two words are better than three. One word is best of all. Gone with the Wind could be called Gone or Wind or even GWTW if you're into it acronyms. Once you pick that name, stick to it down to the letter, don't vary spacing or punctuation. A capital G is not the same thing as a lowercase g. Two dashes are not the same as one. If you've…
