From the course: Learning SCADA: Collect, Analyze, and Visualize Data for Industrial Automation

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Project demo prior to using SCADA

Project demo prior to using SCADA

- [Instructor] Now I'm going to show you a demo of the application covering Factory I/O software and Connected Components Workbench Software, without using the software related to SCADA yet. I have provided you with both the Connected Components Workbench Software file, and Factory I/O scene file. You can find them in chapter four folder. This project is to fill an empty water tank with a timer using a scene from Factory I/O software. I used Connected Components Workbench Software for the Ladder Logic program. Connected Components Workbench Software has a simulator PLC that you can access by clicking on this icon here. So now the first step is to click on Power On, then download this program into this simulator PLC. Once I download the program into the simulator PLC, then I need to go to Factory I/O software and connect this scene with the simulator PLC. Now I need to run both software. The process begins when I press on…
