From the course: Learning PLC Ladder Logic: 1 The Basics

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Part 4: Programming the second conveyer

Part 4: Programming the second conveyer - Ladder Logic Tutorial

From the course: Learning PLC Ladder Logic: 1 The Basics

Part 4: Programming the second conveyer

- This is how the program looks like till now. After the paint is done, the conveyor starts automatically and the sheets are moved to Position C. Now we need to program how to start the conveyor again after the timer is done timing. Note that since we already have the conveyor output, then we use the same rung. As you learned before, that use one particular output one time in your program. So if you have multiple inputs that are associated with the same output, then we need to put them in parallel. So I cannot have two rungs that have the same output. Here, we can apply the branching technique. So once the timer is done timing, the conveyor will start again. So one thing that you need to think about is that the timer will reset as soon as it's done. Refer back to the solution part three. As mentioned previously that the timer resets when there's a change in the rung, when there's a true to false transition for the timer on delay. So I'm going to use the enable bit of the timer to keep…
