From the course: Learning PLC Ladder Logic: 1 The Basics

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LogixPro PLC simulation software

LogixPro PLC simulation software

- [Instructor] For the purpose of better understanding the language, I'll be using a simulation software to test the programs. I'll be using it to demonstrate each instruction we cover. However, I'll focus more upon the language and the concept other than teaching the software. The concept is the same for each PLC type that uses ladder logic. Each PLC manufacturer users their own PLC ladder logic software. They might have differences, but the logic is the same. The simulation software is called LogixPro provided by Learning Pit. This software mimics Allen Bradley Rockwell RSLogix 500. So you can download the simulation software from the website, There is a free 15 day trial if you want to give it a try. So you can click on LogixPro Allen Bradley RSLogix Simulator in order to download the free trial. Once you download the software and install it, then you click on LogixPro software. Once you open the program, it tells you how many days left for the free trial. So…
