From the course: Learning Playwright
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Visual testing in Playwright
From the course: Learning Playwright
Visual testing in Playwright
- [Instructor] Another popular way to test web applications is through visual testing. The concept here is while the test is in a certain state, you take a screenshot of the page or certain elements on the page and save them as a snapshot. This snapshot is a part of the repository. It is used as a baseline image to compare future screenshots against. This can be a useful strategy to use depending on the application and context you're testing in. Let's build out an example of a visual test using the home.spec.ts we've been working on. We'll add two different visual tests within each describe block. The syntax is as easy as adding the .toHaveScreenshot with a name assertion to a test file. We'll add one for auth and one for no auth, so let's start at the top. We're going to create its own test block. (keys clicking) Test, we're going to call this "visual test", async. We're going to pass in ({ page }), we're going to do an await expect (page) .toHaveScreenshot, and we're going to give…
Overview of the website under test5m 3s
Generating tests with codegen4m 31s
Overview of locator strategies in Playwright5m 39s
Overview of assertions in Playwright12m 56s
Structuring Playwright tests9m 8s
Handling cookie authentication in Playwright12m 4s
Visual testing in Playwright10m 58s
API testing in Playwright13m 31s
Automating the right things with Playwright2m 24s
Challenge: Create three automated tests1m 29s
Solution: Create three automated tests10m 2s