From the course: Learning PCB Design with OrCAD

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Generate a bill of materials (BOM)

Generate a bill of materials (BOM) - OrCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning PCB Design with OrCAD

Generate a bill of materials (BOM)

- [Instructor] Ordering electronic parts with a Bill of Materials. Ah, the moment of truth. What is a Bill of Materials? It is a document that lists the electronic parts you need to order for your design. Capture is able to generate a detailed Bill of Materials. Then, I use Digi-Key electronics to enhance the Bill of Materials and make it look more professional. In OCAD Capture, select all your parts in your design, so you can click and drag or hit ctrl+A on your keyboard. Right-click on any part, then choose Edit Properties. Select the Parts tab on the lower left and make sure you click and drag this column bar here, so you can see all the reference designators. Scroll until you can find the Digi-Key part number column. It's good design practice to make sure every single Digi-Key part number or manufacturer part number matches exactly what you need for each part. Luckily, we already did this earlier in the design process. Take note of the spelling of Digi-Key part number, then write…
