From the course: Learning Metadata for Book Publishing

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Basic introduction to XML markup

Basic introduction to XML markup

- [Voiceover] Onyx is an XML format. XML is what is called a markup language, specifically, the extensible markup language. There are other common markup languages that you might know about, or hear about in publishing, like HTML, OPF, and MathML. Markup languages allow you to mark data in a specific way that can be read and understood by computer systems. They do this by wrapping content in elements, or tags, that have meaning. For example, if I wanted to define the title of a book, I could wrap that title in title tags, like this. Some markup languages have a specific vocabulary for their tags, but XML is extensible, which means the vocabulary's not specified in the XML standard itself. Versions of XML like Onyx are able to have their own vocabularies that make sense within their own context. Keep in mind that Onyx is a meta-data format that is normally supposed to be read by computer systems. Most of the time, humans don't even need to be involved in the process. Because of this…
