From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Understand file permissions

Understand file permissions - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Understand file permissions

- [Instructor] File permissions are the way we tell the system which users and groups of users are allowed to access any given file and in what ways. When a user tries to access a file, the system consults the permission mode of a file and only allows the user access if they're permitted to have it. At first look, file permissions can seem rather cryptic. We've seen them before when listing files in a directory, but it's not immediately clear what they mean. rwx or r-xr-x might not make any sense now, but it will soon. The sequence of letters, breaks down into three sections. The first section represents the user designated as the owner of the file. The second section of three letters represents a group, a collection of users for whom we can define specific access to the file. And the third section represents the access to the file for all other users who are not the files owner or who are not in the group designated in the…
