From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

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Exploring environment variables and PATH

Exploring environment variables and PATH - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Learning Linux Command Line

Exploring environment variables and PATH

- [Instructor] The shell environment that we're using has a few variables or parameters which control different information and options that affect how the shell operates. We can take a look at these environment variables with the env command. There's a lot going on here. And right now we're only concerned with one of these variables, the one called path. Environment variables are a little bit beyond the scope of this course, but the path variable is one that causes problems for people sometimes and it's important to know about. We can focus on it in particular using the echo command like this. I'll write echo, dollar sign, PATH in all capital letters. In bash and other shells path is a list of paths or directories in the file system where the shell is told to look for programs or executable files outside of the current working directory. Think about using the ls command for a moment. The ls command isn't…
