From the course: Learning COBIT

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Using principles as guides to adoption

Using principles as guides to adoption

From the course: Learning COBIT

Using principles as guides to adoption

- [Instructor] I experienced a unique situation where my company had a major incident which triggered a new desire by the board of directors to formally identify and document our governance system over information and technology. We knew that it would not be wise to jump into a governance implementation without some type of high level rules. Therefore, the board determined a set of principles that would guide our governance framework, and they looked very similar to the COBIT principles. Principles are important for any framework adoption. A principal is a fundamental guide that serves as a foundation for a system. COBIT 2019 is based on two sets of principles, principles that describe the core requirements of a governance system, or enterprise information and technology, and principles for a governance framework that can be used to build a governance system for the enterprise. Let's start with the governance system…
