From the course: Learning COBIT

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The best-kept secret in COBIT

The best-kept secret in COBIT

From the course: Learning COBIT

The best-kept secret in COBIT

- [Narrator] Stakeholder needs must be transformed into an enterprises actionable strategy. The COBIT Goals Cascade supports enterprise goals, which is one of the key design factors for a governance system. It also supports prioritization of governance and management objectives based on prioritization of enterprise goals. Enterprise strategy is realized by the achievement of these goals. They are defined in the COBIT framework. There are several benefits to using this goals cascade. It can assist in the prioritization of which governance or management objectives are most valuable in support of creating value for the enterprise. It allows a mapping and prioritization to multiple components in an organization such as processes, policies, key services, and individual goals. It can assist in decision making regarding funding and resource allocation. I call this the best kept secret in COBIT because this method can allow any…
